Unraveling the Mystery; Genetics and Parkinson’s Disease

2 min readJun 4, 2024


Picture yourself waking up feeling rigid and shaky, sounds overwhelming, correct? Well, these are the first symptoms that might indicate Parkinson’s. Have you ever considered that the solution may not solely lie in medications but in our DNA makeup?

The Genetic Fingerprint

The exact cause of Parkinson’s is unknown, but genetics is a key player. Studies reveal genes linked to the disease and raise risk factors. Scientists use various methods to unlock these secrets, like examining families with Parkinson’s to pinpoint shared genes.

A Spectrum of Risk

Genetics plays a role in Parkinson’s risk, but the genes involved vary. Researchers have identified over 20 genes linked to Parkinsonism.

Can We Get Tested?

While tools exist to assess risk, it’s not routine. Knowing your risk doesn’t predict the disease’s impact. Neurologists diagnose Parkinson’s through exams and brain scans.

Looking Towards Tomorrow

As research progresses we are likely to uncover factors and gain a deeper understanding of their impact on the disease. This knowledge is driving the development of promising therapies;

Boosting recycling processes to potentially slow down the progression of Parkinson’s disease.

Utilizing mesenchymal stem cells in stem cell therapy to eliminate proteins and support brain cell functionality.

Using exosomes from stem cells to shield neurons reduce inflammation and promote blood vessel growth.

A Promising Outlook

While a definitive cure for Parkinson’s disease remains elusive, there is optimism that we are getting closer and closer. By deciphering the blueprint of this condition, we are moving closer to Treating Parkinson’s disease, which can enhance the quality of life for millions of people affected by Parkinson’s.




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