Three Signs You May Have Erectile Dysfunction

5 min readJun 17, 2024


stem cell for erectile dysfunction in india

Erectile dysfunction (ED) can be a frustrating and confidence-sapping issue for men. But what if we told you it doesn’t have to control your sex life? ED is a surprisingly common condition, and with the right approach, you can regain your sexual satisfaction.

This guide will equip you with the knowledge you need. We’ll explore the telltale Signs of Erectile dysfunction, delve into the root causes, and most importantly, unveil the treatment options available — including a revolutionary new approach that offers long-term solutions.

Don’t settle for a diminished sex life. Take charge of your well-being and discover how to achieve firmer, longer-lasting erections.

How do I know I have ED?

Three telltale signs that can point you towards the fact that you are indeed suffering from erectile dysfunction include:

  • The first sign is being able to have erections sometimes, but not every time you want to have sex with your partner.
  • The second sign is being able to get an erection, but you do not have a firm enough erection for penetration.
  • The third sign is being unable to get an erection at any time.

ED is a common condition that points to other underlying health problems or health-related factors. You should consult with a healthcare provider if you are experiencing any of these symptoms.

Causes of ED

Many different factors can lead to the cause of ED, including:

  • A good vascular system is necessary for achieving and maintaining an erection. ED is often linked to clogged arteries (atherosclerosis), which reduces the blood pressure and can lead to difficulty achieving and sustaining an erection.
  • If the nerves around the penis are damaged due to injury or a medical condition like diabetes, it would lead to erectile dysfunction. Doctors say that neurological ED c an overlap with other symptoms and lead to further complications, including ejaculation and fertility.
  • A faulty endocrine system can also lead to high thyroid activity, low testosterone levels, or high prolactin levels, all of which contribute to ED. The chief culprit behind the scenes is low testosterone levels, which cause a decrease in the libido of men and cause ED.
  • Diseases like diabetes, heart disease, chronic kidney disease, multiple sclerosis, and prostate cancer can all lead to ED. The underlying mechanisms that can cause ED for each disease are different and are tackled at different lengths. If you are diabetic, then you need to be vigilant about your erections. Why? Because men who have diabetes are three times more likely to develop ED than those who are not diabetic.
  • Medications are another culprit that can cause ED. For example, if you are taking medicines to manage blood pressure, ulcers, sleep, appetite, and depression. These medications try to control the blood flow and prevent certain chemical reactions in the brain, which can lead to erectile dysfunction.
  • Psychological issues such as stress, anxiety, and depression can also contribute to Erectile Dysfunction. A few cases of ED also show that the stress of using a condom can lead to ED. In these situations, undergoing psychological therapy is necessary.
  • Certain lifestyle choices are also associated with ED, such as smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, obesity, drug abuse, and being physically inactive.

An interesting fact: Recently, researchers have found a correlation between ED and gut health. Poor gut health can lead to difficulty achieving erections, and improving your gut health can help you regain your lost manhood. Gut health is one of many factors that can affect ED. Research on it is still going on to understand this link at a deeper level.

How is ED treated?

It is important to note that every man’s needs are different, and the cause of ED can be treated using a standardized process. What we need is that the consulting healthcare professional or doctor pay attention to the cause of the disease to determine the best treatment plan. There are a few treatment options available for the same:

  • Oral medications: You can decide to take widely available medicine that increases the blood flow in the penis, allowing for erections. But these medications only work after sexual stimulation and can show side effects.
  • Injections: Direct injections of drugs (like Alprostadil) into the penis can also be an effective treatment option for erectile dysfunction. It also comes with side effects including pain, bleeding, and prolonged erections.
  • Testosterone Replacement: Testosterone replacement therapy can help some men with low testosterone levels achieve and maintain an erection, but it can also have side effects such as acne, breast tissue development, and male infertility in rare cases.
  • Penis pumps and implants: Use of vacuum devices to increase the blood flow in the penis can cause erection but it requires a tension ring and can have effects like bruising and restricted ejaculations.
  • Stem cell therapy: It is an emerging treatment for ED, where the stem cells are introduced in the patient’s body with or without exosomes to boost their sexual health. Stem cell therapy for erectile dysfunction has been shown to work for up to 24 months after the treatment. In contrast other invasive and short term solutions such as penile pumps or medications. It is the reason why people are undergoing stem cell therapy for erectile dysfunction in India.

What improvements can you expect for stem cells for erectile dysfunction in India?

After stem cell therapy for erectile dysfunction, you can expect to see all or some of the following improvements:

  • Achieve regular morning erections
  • Regain the ability to initiate an erection
  • Maintain a firm erection throughout the sexual activity
  • Long-term erectile dysfunction treatment


Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common issue that can have a plethora of reasons behind it, but there are effective treatments available. If you notice any of the symptoms, it’s advisable to seek advice from an urologist (a doctor who specializes in male reproductive systems) to identify the root cause and explore treatment solutions. Your treatment options can range from medications, to injections, implants and even stem cell therapy. Out of all the options, stem cell therapy has shown long term benefits after a single dose of treatment without the use of any medications.




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